Booking Types

On this page, you can find information about booking types and the options TidyCal offers when creating or editing a booking type.


What your Booking Type will be called on your Booking Page.


Here, you can edit the URL path for this specific booking type. Keep in mind that the first segment of the URL is set up on the Profile page:


A description of the specific booking type will be shown on the booking page.

Select a calendar to add these bookings

Select the integrated calendar you would like new bookings to be added to.

Enable multiple invitees to book the same time (Group Bookings)

The "Enable multiple invitees to book the same time" feature allows multiple people to book the same time slot.

This is perfect for conferences, group classes, or other larger events where multiple people can attend. You can set the maximum number of people that can attend the same meeting and choose to hide or display the remaining seats on your booking page.


  • Video conference link: You can choose between Zoom, Google Meet, Static link or Microsoft Teams.
  • Static link will also accept your Whereby and MS Teams link.
  • Custom meeting locations/details - You can use a physical address for the meeting and any custom location
  • Phone number - If you're doing meetings over the phone, use this option to enter your number
  • No location - Meeting will be scheduled only in TidyCal


The duration of the meeting in minutes.

Minimum meeting padding

This option will allow you to set the time gap between 2 booked meetings, so you can have a break between the meetings.

How far out can users book?

Set the number of days how far you want your calendar to be open for bookings.

The current maximum is 365 days.

Bookers can't schedule within

This will allow you to prevent "Last minute bookings" so you don't miss any, by default this is set to 2 hours so the first available booking will be at least 2 hours from the current time.

Booking Limits

Set the maximum number of daily, weekly or monthly bookings.

Availability Interval

Defines the interval of available time slots on the booking page.

Booking Schedule

Here, you can set the availability throughout the week, please note that this will apply to ALL consecutive weeks if you choose "Weekly" and if you select "Specific Dates" you will be able to select specific dates when you're available.

Custom availability

You can set the availability for each Booking Type separately by editing the specific Booking Type.

You can choose between 2 settings:

  1. Weekly - You’re available one or more times during the week, every week and you can set up specific dates when you're unavailable
  2. Specific dates - You’re only available on specific dates and you can fully customize every date in the calendar if you're available or not.

Pro Tip: Please make sure to check if your AM and PM settings are correct.

You can also use Global availability for each booking type and set it up in Global Availability tab.

Fixed booking slots

To set up fixed slots please use "Add window" option and you can create custom booking windows throughout the day.

Fixed booking slots
Setting up fixed booking slots

Creating One time events

To do this, you will have to use the "Specific dates" and set up only the dates you're available.

Custom Fields (Questions)

This will allow you to ask for some additional information on the booking page like Phone and Date, or you can create selections using Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio buttons, or just simple Long or Short text inputs.

Checking the "Required" checkbox will prevent them from submitting the booking form without filling in the "Required" fields.

Email Reminders

Please note if you're using a connected calendar like Google/Office/Apple, the initial meeting confirmation or RSVP is sent from that connected calendar and not TidyCal, so we don't have any control over that and there is no way to edit that in TidyCal.

After the initial meeting confirmation is sent, by default, we send 2 Email Reminders.

The first one is 24 hours before the meeting and the second one is 1 hour before the meeting.

Using the custom reminder will allow you to fully customize what you send and set the time when you want to send them.

Pro Tip: Customizing two email reminders is currently available for Lifetime accounts.

Confirmation redirect URL

Here you can set a custom redirect URL after they complete the booking. You can use this for a custom "Thank you" page or for tracking purposes.

Allows you to set up a Paid booking, you can set a custom price and payment method for each Booking Type separately. Currently, we support Stripe, PayPal and TidyCal which is using Stripe Connect so you can use this to receive payments to your credit card.

Be sure to set up your selected payment platform on the integrations page.

The currency for payments is set on the Profile page, and will apply to all Booking Types.

Please note that you may have only one payment method active on the account and that payment method will be applied to all your Booking Types.

Pro Tip: To learn more about payment methods you may use in TidyCal, kindly refer to the video tutorial here:

Display on Booking Types Directory

Selecting this will have this Booking Type shown in the public Booking Types Directory. This can help you get more bookings.

Selecting a category for your Booking Type

You can choose between many categories for better placement in the public Booking Types Directory.

Private mode

Hide this Booking Type on your public Booking Page. You can still share this Booking Type URL privately, so anyone with the link will be able to access it.

Allow invitees to book more than one date at a time (Package bookings)

The "Allow invitees to book more than one date at a time" feature allows a single guest to book more than one booking at a time. This is perfect for coaches consultants or businesses who meet with attendees on a regular schedule.

Pro Tip: If using paid bookings with package bookings, your bookers will be charged for all bookings at once.

Limit selectable dates

You can limit how many dates can be selected at once. If the maximum number of dates have been selected, the previously selected date will be removed if another date is selected.

Minimum date frequency

This option defines the frequency of selectable dates, based on the first selected date.

Set "Unavailable" times and dates

To set the specific dates/times you're NOT available on your Weekly bookings, you can use the "Add unavailable date" feature and specify the exact date and time you want to block out.

Multiple Hosts

Team booking types allow you to select multiple hosts from the members of your team. Only times that are available to all hosts will be presented as options on the booking page, based on the readable calendars of each host.

Require approval

Toggle this On or Off to require approval before the meeting is added to the calendar.

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